Nature trails

Pustern de Arina – Lamon

In 1945 in the hamlet of Arina lived 1700 people, while today only 500.


La Certosa di Vedana – Sospirolo


Il tracciato, nella prima parte, non presenta difficoltà altimetriche. Si inizia quasi interamente su asfalto, ci si inoltra, dopo Ponte Mas, su un facile sentiero, che affianca il fiume Cordevole.


Val Falcina – Sospirolo

Located on the right bank of the river Mis, the Val Facina is surrounded at south-west by the walls of mount Pizzocco and it ends in the artificial lake of…


Col Vigne, Furianoi – Lamon

This easy itinerary immerses you both in the natural and built environment of the typical terraces that rises on the right bank of the Cismon valley, which dates back to…


Colle di San Pietro – Lamon

This short but interesting route, leads back to the origins of the Community of Lamon, that started to gather around an ancient fort built by Romans in the 1st century…



The name comes from a mountainous area overlooking all the Valbelluna. Nevagal is really snowy during the winter and really rich of fodder during the summer.


Environmental education centre “La Santina”

The structure is located in Val di Canzoi, one of the busiest entrances of the National Park, and it is provided with full-equipped laboratories, small terrariums and aquariums, an educational…

Museo Naturalistico Valle di Schievenin

Museo Naturalistico Valle di Schievenin


Sentiero dell’alchimista

Da Tambre a Valdenogher


Sentiero dei s’cios

Da Tambre a Tambruz a valle e a monte della strada statale
