Nature trails
Torre dell’ Orologio
DiscoverAntiche Vie
DiscoverGiardino Botanico Alpino “G.Lorenzoni”
DiscoverI Fojaroi ovvero le case nel bosco
Sulle pendici del Monte Grappa alla scoperta di architetture rurali
S.Donato, Galline, Valnuvola – Lamon
From the center of the picturesque village of San Donato, passing in front of the former school and the old diary recently restored, you will reach the Tomii village.
Vallina, Sirao, Gorna – Lamon
This handy and relaxing route traces its way through clearings and woods.
Solio de Arina – Lamon
Following the road for the Chiappini location that starts from the Church of Arina, you can appreciate the great work of terracing carried out in the past centuries.
Valle di Seren
This itinerary covers an area on the northern side of Mount Grappa, in particular in the valley of the Strizzon, under the jurisdiction of the municipality of Seren del Grappa.
Le-Ej, Costa – Lamon
This itinerary connects the town of Lamon with Le-Ej. The path, sometimes enclosed like a trench in the friable red “Scaglia” rock, leads you at high altitude.