Chiesette Pedemontane
L'itinerario che collega tra loro le chiesette pedemontane delle Dolomiti Bellunesi intende proporre un percorso inedito attraverso la natura, la storia, l'arte e la cultura di queste valli.
L'itinerario che collega tra loro le chiesette pedemontane delle Dolomiti Bellunesi intende proporre un percorso inedito attraverso la natura, la storia, l'arte e la cultura di queste valli.
Il tracciato, nella prima parte, non presenta difficoltà altimetriche. Si inizia quasi interamente su asfalto, ci si inoltra, dopo Ponte Mas, su un facile sentiero, che affianca il fiume Cordevole.
Hidden behind the hill of St. Peter, hamlets, follow each other without interruption creating a landscape of absolute value.
The “Chiappini” are a wonderful example of “ aligned settlement”.
In the ancient paper code called “The Rule of Lamon” of 1330, was mentioned the “Righ”, a long acequia derived from the Molina stream that runs through the center of…
The Santa Libera’s mill tell us a very old history, bined to the territory of Santa Giustina and to the water of river Veses.
The San Giorgio church,of ancient origins, is situated on an hill in the middle of the plian of Sorriva: here archeological excavations have brought to light medieval artefacts.
A small chest of faith, initially commissioned and realized by Family Buzzati as a private oratory, was afterwards opened to all the believers.
The little Sanctuary issues spirituality and fascination.
Mel, little village with a noble look, is the only village between Belluno and Feltre to have had an historical urban texture.